Frequently Asked Questions

We have provided answers to several common questions below. Members of the community may submit questions to  engageCCSD@nv.ccsd.net to be answered on this page.

Graduation Ceremony

Q: What is CCSD doing to address the impact of COVID-19 on students?


A: CCSD committed to utilizing the over $777 million in federal funds provided through the American Rescue Plan to address the impact of COVID-19 on our students. The District developed a comprehensive roadmap, in partnership with the community, to guide the utilization of these funds and regularly monitored progress to ensure that student needs were met and progress was made.
Q: How is CCSD ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of funds?


A: CCSD was committed to maintaining transparency and accountability in the use of funds through the grant term. In Fall 2022, the District issued the first Use of Funds Report that outlines how the federal funds are being used to support our students and community. A final report was released January 31, 2025. Additionally, the District provided regular updates on progress via the dashboard located on the homepage of this website.


Q: Has CCSD received any recognition for this work?


A: CCSD received commendations for the implementation of ARP ESSER III, focused notably on the District’s robust community engagement approach and transparent reporting. Multiple rounds of Desktop Review Monitoring conducted by the Nevada Department of Education confirmed that CCSD met all requirements with no instances of noncompliance. Specific commendations include:

    • March 2023: The Clark County School District provided granular detail about the stakeholder engagement that the District facilitated for their initial Safe Return Plan. CCSD included partnerships with over 80 community organizations, surveys and feedback from a variety of stakeholders, and reports in English and Spanish.
    • July 2024: Not only did the District meet all programmatic ARP ESSER requirements with no instances of noncompliance identified, CCSD received two commendations for high quality implementation and compliance. CCSD’s ARP ESSER III Dashboard at future.ccsd.net and the broad community engagement that informed the initial spending plan were both recognized with commendations.
Q: How is CCSD addressing the digital divide and access to technology for students?


A: CCSD has made significant investments in technology to support our students. We have provided laptops and internet hotspots to students who need them, and have expanded our Wi-Fi capabilities to ensure that students have access to reliable internet. We are also working to provide professional development to teachers to support the integration of technology into their instructional practices.


Q: What programs or initiatives has CCSD implemented to address learning loss?


A: CCSD has implemented a number of programs and initiatives to address learning loss, including targeted interventions for struggling students, expanded summer school programs, and additional resources for students with special needs. We are also investing in professional development for teachers to support their ability to address the academic and social-emotional needs of students and accelerate student learning in areas like reading and mathematics.